Coming To Terms...

If you're new to the shrine, I suggest you check out the lists and links on the right of the page under "Educated Monkeys." Don't worry. We'll get through this, together.

(Monkey Disclaimer: I know that homosapiens are technically "apes" as is the hilarious chimp featured in the above photograph, and I know that apes and monkeys are different... but "Shrine of the Talking Apes" just doesn't sound as good, does it?)

Monday, May 03, 2010

Some Monkeys Are So Gullible

Listen, my simian friends, I know conspiracy theories are a total faux-pas since Y2K never happened, but this whole Times Square Bomb Scare seems pretty fishy to me... I mean, what kind of a self-respecting terrorist would successfully drive a bomb into Times Square and then walk away from it? Really? Did he walk away to buy a hot-dog? Or maybe he saw Elijah Wood walking by and couldn't resist the photo-op. No, monkeys, this is a government scare tactic if I've ever seen one. Think about it.

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